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morning glory 短語和例子【植物;植物學】1.牽牛花。2.后勁不足者。

morning gun

If the fifth grade morning glory a class , lets the student have a look in the life the first morning glory , then has a look at the painter writing the morning glory , carries on the comparison , sensation picture processing , the refinement , the creation work 如五年級的《牽牛花》一課,先讓學生看看生活中的牽牛花,再看看畫家筆下的牽牛花,進行比較,感知畫面的處理、提煉,創作作品。

Katharine houghton hepburn , merican film and stage iconic star , was born on may 12 . she has many famous works including on goleden pond , the philadelphia story and morning glory etc 1907年5月12日,美國電影、舞臺明星凱瑟琳?赫本出生于美國。她一生有很多有名的作品,包括《金色池塘》 , 《費城故事》 , 《驚才絕艷》等。

We present a case of unilateral morning glory syndrome and branch retinal vein occlusion was found in his fellow eye coincidentally 摘要本篇報告一位69歲男性牽牛花癥候群之病患,其對側眼為網膜分枝靜脈阻塞。

The morning glory relative has no real roots , and unlike most other plants , it cannot produce food through photosynthesis 與其它大多數植物不同,這種東西沒有根,也不能進行光合作用

Morning glory has blossomed , too 牽牛花也開了花

Beach morning glory vitex rotundifolia 海灘牽牛、白背蔓荊

This is tea made from morning glory seeds 這是曇花籽煮的茶

The morning glory climbs the trunk with its tendril 牽牛花用卷須攀著樹干。